Blue Ex Courier Tracking - Track and Trace your Blueex Shipments
Our Blue Ex tracking tool helps you easily find the shipping status of your parcels in real time. You can enter the tracking number into the provided space and click on the “Track Now” button to find out if your package is booked, in transit, or has already been delivered.
This tracking tool is completely free to use and does not require any type of sign-up or registration. You don’t have to worry about providing your email address or phone number.
How to Track Blue Ex Parcel with Track My Package
Here is a guide on tracking your Blue Ex packages using our tool.
- To get started, open the Blue Ex tracking page on
- Then, click on the provided input field and enter the tracking number of your consignment
- If you need to track more than one package, you can enter multiple numbers in the field, each on different lines
- Once the tracking number(s) have been added, click on the “Track Now” button
- Wait for a few seconds while the tracking information for your package is fetched
Our tool will redirect you to a different page where you will be able to see the various tracking details of your consignment. You can do a number of things once you are on this page, including:
- Download the tracking details to your local storage
- Copy the tracking details to your clipboard
- Share the tracking details with others using a URL
- Use the WhatsApp and Telegram options to directly share the tracking details via those platforms
- Use the provided content details to get in touch with the courier company if needed
How to Track Blue Ex Tracking Using the Official Website
Here is how you can track your Blue Ex packages using the official website:
- Open the official Blue Ex website at this URL:
- Click on the blue “Track” button in the navigation bar at the top
- Enter the tracking number into the provided field
- Click on the “Track” button to start the process
The process will take a few seconds to complete, and you will be able to see the exact chain of events that the package has gone through.
Understanding the Tracking Statuses
Here is a list of the possible statuses that you can see when tracking Blue Ex packages. You can find the meaning of each status below:
- Order information received, pending at Shipper's end: This status means that the parcel’s data has been received by the company, but they have yet to take possession of it.
- Shipment is on route to [cityname]: This status means that the package is in transit to the mentioned city.
- Shipment reached BlueEX [cityname] Warehouse: This status means that the package has reached the warehouse in the mentioned city.
- Shipment has reached BlueEX [cityname]: This status means that the package has reached the company branch/outlet in the mentioned city.
- Out For Delivery: This status means that the package is out for delivery and will be handed over to the recipient in the next delivery cycle.
- Customer Not Answering Phone: This status indicates that the customer did not answer the phone when an attempt was made to contact them.
- Refused to accept: This status means that the customer did not accept the package when it was delivered to them.
- Return to shipper to RTS: This status indicates that the package is being returned to the shipper since it was not delivered to the recipient.
- Shipment is on route to [cityname]: This status indicates that the package is on its way to the mentioned city.
- Shipment has reached blueEX [cityname] Operations: This status indicates that the package has reached the Blue Ex branch in the mentioned city.
- Return Delivered: This status indicates that the package has been returned successfully.
- Delivered: This status indicates that the package has been delivered to the recipient successfully.
Blue Ex Cross Border and E-Commerce Tracking
Blue Ex offers a number of different services and shipping solutions. However, our tracking tool can help you find the status of all parcels, regardless of how they are shipped. With Track My Package, you can find the status of your cross-border consignments as well as your e-commerce parcels. All you need to do is enter the tracking number, and our tool will handle the rest.
Blue Ex Courier Customer Care Details
If you ever need to get in touch with Blue Ex to inquire about your package or to ask about their services, here are the customer care details that you can use.
Where is Blue Ex based?
Blue Ex is based in Pakistan and is headquartered in the largest city, Karachi. Although it is based in Pakistan, it provides international, cross-border services as well.
Does Blue Ex provide international shipping?
Yes, Blue Ex provides cross-border shipping services. You can send parcels overseas to other countries.
Where can I find the tracking number for my Blue Ex consignment?
You can find the tracking number for your Blue Ex package in the receipt of your consignment or in the confirmation message that is sent to your email address or phone number.