FedEx Tracking

FedEx Tracking

Track and trace your FedEx shipments status online. Enter your FedEx shipments tracking number in the provided box and "Track Now".


Welcome to our online FedEx tracking tool! Track My Package (TMP) provides tracking services for numerous couriers and shipping companies, and FedEx is one of them. To get started, simply find the tracking number of your FedEx package and enter it into our tool.

With Track My Package, you can find the status of all types of packages, whether they are international shipments, local shipments within the same country, or any other types of consignments.

How to Track FedEx Packages Using TMP

Track My Package has a simple and easy user interface. 

You need to follow a few simple steps to use it. Here are the steps listed below:

The good thing about using our tool for FedEx package tracking purposes is that you get to enjoy the bulk tracking option. You can enter up to 10 different tracking numbers and get all of their details at the same time.

How to Track FedEx Packages Using the Official Website

Apart from our tool, you can also track FedEx parcels using the official website. Here are the steps you can follow for that:

On the official website, there is an “Advanced Tracking System” that you can use for more details. However, to use this, you need to log in to your account using the User ID and password.

Where to Find the Tracking Number of Your FedEx Package

To track your FedEx package, you first need to know its tracking number. Here is how you can find the tracking number for your consignment:

FedEx Shipping Statuses Explained

Depending on where your package has reached in the delivery process, you will see a different tracking status for your consignment. Here is a list of the shipping statuses that you can find once the tracking number lookup is complete:

How to Contact FedEx

If you have any questions about your consignment, you can get in touch with FedEx using the provided customer care details.

You can also navigate to the official website and use the automated chat assistant to get your queries and questions answered.


What is the format of FedEx tracking numbers?

FedEx uses different tracking number formats. Some of them range from 12 to 15 digits, while some are even longer, spanning 22 digits.

What should I do if my package’s tracking info is not being updated?

If your package’s tracking info is not being updated, it could indicate different types of issues. It is possible that the info could not be updated due to a temporary problem. To rule out this possibility, try checking the tracking number again after some time.

However, if this doesn’t resolve it, you can get in touch with the courier company and inquire from them.

What happens if my package is lost in transit?

If your package is lost in transit, you can file a claim to receive compensation based on the contents of your parcel.