Enter your kuehne+nagel tracking number in the provided space and get real time status of your myKN packages within few seconds.
If you are sending or receiving a package via K & N couriers, use our online tool to find its shipping status in a second. Our online tracking service allows you to enter the tracking number of a consignment and find where it is in the delivery process. This tool is free to use and does not require any type of registration.
All you need to do is provide the tool with the tracking number and get started.
The process of using our tool is simple and straightforward. Here are the steps that you need to follow:
Note: You can download, copy, or share the tracking details. To download the tracking details, click on the small download icon at the top right corner of the window. You can also find the “copy” button here. To share the tracking details with others, scroll down and copy the link generated at the bottom. You can then send it via text message or email to any interested party.
There is an integrated WhatsApp and Telegram sharing option that you can use as well.
With Track My Package, you can track your parcels with ease and efficiency while enjoying a number of different user-friendly features. However, if you want to double-check the shipping status, you can also use K & N’s official website.
Here are the steps you need to follow for that.
Like other courier companies, KN couriers provides the consignment number for the package in three possible spots:
Kuehne + Nagel is the full name of the KN or “K & N” logistics company. It was first founded in Germany in the late 19th century and is currently headquartered in Switzerland. KN operates in more than 100 countries and provides a number of different logistics services, including sea freight and air freight.
With cross-border shipping, packages can sometimes get stuck in the customs process. This can cause delays in the delivery and may also require you to take certain actions (such as providing documentation or making additional payments).
If there is a delay in your package’s delivery, you can easily find out if it is stuck in customs by taking any of the following steps:
The format used in the tracking number of Kuehne + Nagel is quite simple and straightforward. It contains 10 numeric digits and doesn’t have any alphabets. Here are some examples of KN tracking numbers:
Here on Track My Package, you can do a lot more than just track your KN courier packages. Our platform covers a wide range of other logistics and courier services as well. You can perform the following on TMP:
If you ever need to get in touch with the Kuehne + Nagel customer care department, here are the details that you can use:
These are the contact details for the headquarters in Switzerland. You can find the customer care details for the local branch in your area with a quick Google search.
K & N stands for Kuehne + Nagel. The company was founded in Germany and is currently headquartered in Switzerland. Kuehne and Nagel are the surnames of the founders.
Try again and make sure that the tracking number is correctly entered. If it doesn’t work, wait for a bit and then try again to rule out any temporary bugs/errors. Should the problem persist after a few hours, get in touch with the company to report the issue.
This status typically shows up if the package cannot be delivered to the recipient. In the event of a failed delivery, the package is usually returned to the sender at the mentioned address.